Can sorting garbage be engaging and exciting? YES, of course! If you want to offer your team something useful and educational, which is also playful and engaging, then come to the garbage anatomy lab!

During the event, each team can get their hands on sorting correctly, test their speed and cleverness, and educate with practical knowledge about the climate crisis, sustainable choices or consumption habits.

For: Organisations for team events, summer days, to fulfil CSR/SDG goals
Price: 600.- EUR for up to 40 people. (For larger groups, please ask for an offer.)
Duration: 2 h


The orienteering game is an adventurous team event, where teams of 2-5 members have to find the right points in nature, park or city as quickly as possible, solve tasks related to sustainability and the environment in cooperation and pick up waste on the way.

In the game, points are given by the amount of garbage, the accuracy of solving tasks and crossing destinations, and the speed of crossing the track.

There is of course a prize for the best team. At the end of the game, a light snack and drink.

For: Organisations for team events, summer days, to fulfil CSR/SDG goals
Price: up to 10 people 350.- euros, each additional participant 23.- euros.
Duration: 2-2.5 h


What could be better than hiking with your team in nature, learning something new about the environment around us, and at the same time picking up all the trash that falls on the way? Nature is never the same, every day and moment offers something new.

While walking in nature, we get to know its diversity, we talk about the different species of the forest and the impact of humans on the environment (including the aquatic environment). So, we cover topics like climate change as well as waste management and how it affects our nature.

During the hike, we will talk about the following topics:
→ local ecosystem, species richness and human impact
→ Baltic Sea, pollution, water ecosystem
→ climate change, climate adaptation and how it affects the environment
→ waste, waste management and consequences of pollution

For: Organisations for a team event, to fulfil CSR/SDG goals
Price: in Harju County up to 10 people 350.- euros, each additional participant 23.- euros.
Duration: 2,5 h


If you and your team want to do something invaluable for the environment, guided cleaning in nature with sorting tips and analysis is the absolute best choice!

The event starts with a small introduction and guidance, then we head out into nature to collect waste, and after cleaning we analyse what we found, sort the “treasure” and answer all questions. At the end, we offer a snack and a drink to all environmental heroes.

We provide everything you need, from gloves and trash bags to food and trash removal.

For: Organisations for a team event, to fulfil CSR/SDG goals
Price: 450.- EUR for up to 25 people. (For larger groups, please ask for an offer.)
Duration: 3 h



Very soon, the Climate Ministry of Estonia will introduce a change in the waste law, according to which all apartment buildings must start collecting package waste separately. Also, household waste disposal will become at least three times more expensive.

However, if the collection of waste by type seems difficult and troublesome at the moment, and you don’t know where to start, the Chamber of Clean World team can help you with it! The ABC of waste sorting is designed for apartment building residents to make it easy to separate package waste and other waste types. We go through all the most important difficulties of waste sorting, give examples and answer questions. We make it easy to classify waste. The most important thing is to start!

During the training, we also briefly talk about reducing consumption, dilemmas in the store and the consumption behaviour of each person – how each of us affects nature and the environment around us with our choices.

For: Apartment associations / other organisations
Price: 275.- EUR
Duration: 1.5 h
Place: Either in an apartment building or in a nearby school/kindergarten/local government building. If necessary, it can be done virtually.


Every organisation sooner or later has to start moving in the direction that its operations are in line with the global goals of sustainable development. Everyone is talking about ESG and sustainability today, but how much do we really know what these global climate goals entail or what our organisation’s impact is on those goals?

The ESG strategic goals of SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) workshop is intended for people responsible for strategic direction and decisions in the company and for organisations that have not yet reached the formulation of the company’s sustainability goals through the prism of global goals. In other words, the workshop will help guide an organisation that is at the very beginning of the sustainability journey to the right end of the road and set primary goals.

In the workshop, we take the global sustainable development goals into pieces based on a specific company. We’ll see which goals the company has points of contact with and explain the company’s most important sustainability-related areas/topics for which it is possible to start setting goals.

For: Management/decision makers of small and medium-sized companies
Price: 450.- EUR
Duration: 2-2.5 h



The goal of an environmentally friendly or green office is the continuous monitoring and reduction of the environmental impact of the office’s activities, which is accompanied by cost savings, sustainable use of natural resources, reduction of waste generation and a healthier working environment. 

A green office is much more than collecting waste by type and drinking tap water.

But where to start? What has the greatest impact? How to plan your activities? We will help you find answers to these and many other questions in our introductory and comprehensive training.

To: Organisations
Price: 300.- EUR
Duration: 2 h


The climate is changing and people talk about it more and more. But what does climate change mean and why is it called climate warming? 

The climate is so distant and unfathomable that on an individual level it seems there is nothing we can do. But is it really so? Let’s talk about what climate change is like in Estonia and how everyone can contribute to protecting the environment. We also touch on important topics such as the circular economy and the green transition, and look at common myths together.

The workshop consists of a theoretical and a practical part.

For: Organisations, communities
Price: 300.- EUR 
Duration: 2 h

Outside Harju county, the transport cost is added to the price. In case of questions send us an email