Instructions and important information

Please read the instructions before the cleanup!

How to sort the collected trash on World Cleanup Day?

We sort the trash by type. It is extremely important that most of the waste collected on World Cleanup Day is recycled. Gloves should always be used when picking up waste.

How to clean safely?

When cleaning up, please pay attention to safety! The most important thing is the well-being of oneself, those who work and the environment. Although all participants are volunteering on that day and are also responsible for cleaning, the safety of the cleaning needs to be carefully thought through and introduced to all those who work.

What to do in unexpected situations?

In addition to trash, you can find all kinds of unexpected things during the World Cleanup Day. Here’s what to do with these finds.

How to give first aid in case of common accidents?

Here you will find answers to any questions you may have about World Cleanup Day